There have been lots of firsts this year. First Christmas without her, first wedding without her and now the first birthday without her. My sweet grandmother would have been 82 today.
It's so easy to think that I didn't have her for long enough. But those 21 years she impacted me more than most people will my entire life.
I've been thinking for a while about how hard today would be for me and my family. And then I decided there have been plenty of tears cried- but that's not what I want today to be about. After all birthday's are suppose to be a celebration aren't they? :)
So Today I want to celebrate. The wonderful woman that the Lord blessed us with. She had the most beautiful humble spirit and a smile that literally lit up a room. My grandmother was one of those people that never met a stranger. She had the ability to make everyone she came in contact with feel instantly connected to her and loved. Everyone was welcome in her home. She never spoke ill of anyone but chose to use her words to be uplifting. No matter what the circumstance was she always rejoiced. No one and no situation was a reason for despair but a chance to grow and lean on God. She loved unconditionally and served selflessly. She was one of the most visible examples of Jesus I've ever seen. Her heart was so in tune with the Lord it just came naturally like breathing. She wasn't in want but was content with exactly what the Lord gave her. She touched my heart in a way that will last my whole life.
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