This year Thanksgiving really took on a whole new meaning. It wasn’t about the food or getting off school but a time to celebrate and be thankful. “Thankful” literally means feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciation. I’m thankful for the wonderful grandmother the Lord has blessed my family with. I’m thankful for Ga Ga- her sweet smile and gentle spirit. For the time we made macaroni and cheese and forgot the cheese. For all the sleepovers where she let me wear her silk pajamas, drink orange juice with ice in it before I went to bed, and she’d tuck me in singing “lovely moon”. For all the trips we had and her keeping me up at night reading. For her banana cream pie- the best thing I’ve ever put in my mouth. For the honey jar and the burping duck always on her kitchen table. For a front door that was never locked and where surprise visits are always welcome. For all that she has taught me about life. How to sew, cook, knit, work hard and raise a family but more importantly- how to live out my faith and love the Lord with everything in me. To trust Him and his gentle guidance no matter what the circumstances look like. I’ve learned how to look to Him as for strength and everything that I need and meet unbelief with faith. To serve others never asking for anything in return but finding satisfaction in just knowing you helped them. To see a woman who serving is so much a part of who she is that it’s not a question of “who will do this” or “should I do it” but it’s such an innate part of who she is that it flows out of her. She’s taught me how to sacrifice because anything I’d consider a “sacrifice” isn’t nearly as important compared to the people around you. To truly love people and how to have a heart full of compassion. How to see the good in everyone that you come in contact with and let everything that comes out of your mouth be uplifting. It’s funny because you read verses and pray how to apply them in your life- then you look at GaGa and see them fleshed out day-to-day in her life. You can’t help but be inspired to be a better person for knowing her. I’m so thankful.
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