I have a list of things I want to do before I graduate Baylor. One of those is visiting the Coffee Shop Cafe in McGregor. Now this isn't just an ordinary cafe my friend. It was named one of the 40 Best Small Town Cafes in Texas. Not only that but it is just minutes from George Bush's ranch in Crawford, and he is a frequent visitor. As if that weren't enough Jessica Simpson's grandparents also frequent the cafe. Wednesday afternoon my roommate Cassie was complaining about her lack of homework. (...I know! Ridiculous right?) So to cure her boredom we decided to go to McGregor for dinner. The food wasn't anything wonderful but the dessert was amazing! I had eyed this strawberry cake on my way back from the bathroom and then learned that the dessert was free! Now tell me that ice cream doesn't just look AMAZING? Well it was! So needless to say no celebrity sightings, but the dessert made the trip worth while!
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