Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Artistic One

This is my friend Shea. I'll go ahead and warn you that you need to be super jealous of her mad painting skills. She simply picked colors, stencils, and a cup and created this masterpiece! My brain is in no way that creative. That's why I love photography. I feel like it's more bringing out the beauty and feeling of life. It's not discovering or creating anything new, but shedding light and realization of the beauty that is already there.

While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see. ~Dorothea Lange

Anyway back to Shea's masterpiece. Her coffee cup had a fish swimming against all the other fish and then on the other side was this verse,

Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

What a great encouraging way to start out your morning! Drinking coffee and seeing that message.

Artistic Attempt

Today was a very productive Saturday if I do say so myself. I am taking an intermediate weight training class this semester. I have realized that this class is just one big scam. They make you work out till your arms are literally shaking, knowing that you will be so sore that you need to work out again. And so on continues the endless cycle of working out. Very clever Baylor, but I'm on to you.

So after the eventful morning working out I met up with my CG girls from freshman year. For those of you that don't go to Highland and are not familiar with the lingo, CG stands for community group. These girls I met very soon after school started and our small group lasted for two years. Obviously our friendships have continued even after the group meeting stopped. It is a true blessing to have known these girls and grown with them.

Today we met and attempted to bring out our artistic sides. We found it difficult to have conversation, because we were so intense and were busy concentrating on our work :) It actually ended up that we were more talented than we had given ourselves credit for! So here's to great friends, and cute painted pottery.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Disciple Now

For those of you that have grown up in the church you know that D-now is a right of passage. I lead (along with two other girls) a group 0f 16 amazing jr. high girls this past weekend. Needless to say with 16 girls there was plenty of food, talking, and staying up late. God really moved and it such a blessing to see him work in these girls lives.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Eat at George Bush's Favorite cafe- check!

I have a list of things I want to do before I graduate Baylor. One of those is visiting the Coffee Shop Cafe in McGregor. Now this isn't just an ordinary cafe my friend. It was named one of the 40 Best Small Town Cafes in Texas. Not only that but it is just minutes from George Bush's ranch in Crawford, and he is a frequent visitor. As if that weren't enough Jessica Simpson's grandparents also frequent the cafe. Wednesday afternoon my roommate Cassie was complaining about her lack of homework. (...I know! Ridiculous right?) So to cure her boredom we decided to go to McGregor for dinner. The food wasn't anything wonderful but the dessert was amazing! I had eyed this strawberry cake on my way back from the bathroom and then learned that the dessert was free! Now tell me that ice cream doesn't just look AMAZING? Well it was! So needless to say no celebrity sightings, but the dessert made the trip worth while!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow day!

So today something amazing happened- it snowed in Alabama. Obviously that never happens because they closed down all the schools and everyone was terrified to leave their houses! My nephew Heston's daycare was closed so we got to spend the day with him.

I think he looks like a linebacker in this picture :)

Heston playing with his grammie

eating the snow

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mommie and Daughter Photo's

My cousin Katie got married in July, but we did some more wedding shots while I was home for Christmas break.
This is my cousin-in-law Megan and her daughter Adelyn.

I love the expression on Adelyn's face

And here is the beautiful family.

Happy New Year!

Heston found the new years glasses :)